S c r o l l D o w n

The first week of this year’s English Camp is over and our children have been given the chance to practice and improve their English and meet our amazing Tutors. Let’s start the second week after having recharged and filled up our engine. And what better way other than celebrating a birthday??


Today is Abbie’s birthday, the English new entry of this year’s camp, tutor of the little ones. Let’s see what she told us about her.

Introduce yourself to our camp community!

Hi, my name’s Abbie! I’m 21 years old and a support worker from North Yorkshire. I specialise in mental health and will be joining The University of Liverpool this September to study as an Occupational Therapist.

What “kind” of teacher will you be at the camp?

Although I have some catching up to do, I look forward to joining the team, working with children, and learning more about Italian culture. I am the kind of teacher who will be organised but easy-going. I believe a relaxed yet engaging environment is essential in creating a space to practice language. I hope the class adopts my “can-do” attitude and we have plenty of laughs along the way!


This was the last presentation for this year’s English Camp. We hope children are enjoing the camp as much as possible, making the most of this experience. Keep following our blog and our social networks to be up to date with our news.


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